Got A Question?

We Got Answers!

Do you have bugs?

The bugs here are very minimal. Our biggest pest is the tic. Tic season generally last until 4th of July after which time you don’t see them hardly at all. These are wood ticks, not the lyme disease carrying deer ticks.  Mosquitos are minimal and we do not have black flies.

What is the weather like?

Summer is a beautiful time to visit. It is very pleasant with temperatures in the 70’s – 80’s. The nights can get a little cool. Our last frost is generally around Memorial Day and we do get down into the 40’s at night in August.  There may be a dusting of snow in early May or October.

Are there bears and other wild animals?

We generally do not have a problem with the wildlife here. There are bears here. We have seen one in the last 10 years. They do not come into the campground. There are moose, deer, mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, eagles, turtles, tree frogs and other assorted creatures here as well. The only things we generally have in the campground are deer and lots and lots of chipmunks and 13 lined ground squirrels. The tree frogs sing in the spring through early summer and the coyotes and wolves can be heard frequently at night during the summer as well. We recommend that you use common sense and not leave food or pets out at night. We did have a camper leave a frozen chicken in the back of a pickup truck to thaw out and the next morning his chicken was gone!

When do the leaves turn colors?

Around the middle of September they begin to turn with peak generally being late September to the beginning of October. They are magnificent!!!

Will it snow while I’m there?

I hope not! BUT we have had a dusting of snow at the beginning of October and even some sleety stuff in May as well.

Will my satellite work?

We have lots of trees here and we have lots of open areas. If your satellite is on your roof, you need to tell us because those are the hardest to accommodate. If you have a dish on a tripod or cube that you can move around on the ground, you are pretty much guaranteed that you’ll get a signal.

Can I bring my pets?

Yes, we accept all pets. We just ask that you clean up after them, have them on a leash, and not leave them unattended for long periods of time.

What is there to do around there?

See Area Info for all kinds of good things to do around here as well as links to them. FYI: some of the museums and attractions are only open Memorial Day through Labor Day. It’s best to check with each place to make sure they will be open when you come.

What stores and restaurants are around there?

We have a Supercenter WalMart, Super 1 Foods and an EconoFoods for your grocery shopping needs. We also have a Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Tractor Supply, Pet Supplies and several other smaller stores. There are lots of sit down restaurants in town as well although none of them are “chain” restaurants. We have many chain fast food restaurants.  Most everything is within 6 miles of the campground.

Is there medical care close by?

Dickinson County Healthcare system is the hospital in town with an after hours clinic, and there is also a VA hospital. There are many doctors and dentists in the area as well.

Are you close to town?

We are about 4 miles from downtown Iron Mountain and Kingsford. You can make it all the way to the other end of town in less than 10 minutes.

Can we check in late at night?

No. We ask that all arrivals be in by 9 pm. There are 2 reasons for this. First of all, it’s a disturbance to other campers trying to sleep when someone comes in during the middle of the night. Secondly, it is dark in the park at night and the sites are mostly grassy meaning that you WILL have a hard time trying to figure out where to go. We escort everyone to their site to make sure they are in the right place and turned the right way and we like to sleep at night too!

When does the train come by?

Yes, we have a train. It runs along the east end of the park (not in the park). It is a logging train and it has no schedule. For the last few years, it has come by about once a day. Sometimes it only comes by twice a week and sometimes it can come by twice a day…sometimes during the day and sometimes at night. The kids love to watch it go by!

Will I get internet at my camper?

We do have wifi in the park, however with the trees and all the metal campers to go through, the wifi signal currently does not extend everywhere in the park. I have had people who have their own “boosters” who get it fine in the back of the park, but with a regular set up on your computer, you are likely to need to come up closer to the building to get it. If you have an “aircard” through your wireless provider, you should have no problem.

Will my cell phone work?

We do get cell phone service in the U.P. (imagine that!)….HOWEVER I have been told that Nextel and T-Mobile do NOT work up here. We do have very good reception for Verizon and AT&T. I would check with your provider to find out for sure if you have other carriers.

Can I charge my electric vehicle at the campground?

No, unfortunately Summerbreeze does not have charging adapters for electric vehicles at this time.